
Biden takes swipe at GOP’s assault on Disney: ‘They’re going after Mickey Mouse’ – CNN

Biden takes swipe at GOP’s assault on Disney: ‘They’re going after Mickey Mouse’  CNN Why Disney has its own government in Florida and what happens if that goes away  CNN Factbox: What is the special tax designation Disney might lose?  Reuters DeSantis vs. Walt Disney World: Letters from readers address hot button topic in Florida  News-Press Opinion | Ron…


Perseverance rover watches eclipse of Mars’ doomed ‘potato’ moon – CNN

Perseverance rover watches eclipse of Mars’ doomed ‘potato’ moon  CNN A Lumpy Martian Moon Crosses the Sun in Eclipse Footage From Perseverance Rover  Gizmodo Incredible Video of Solar Eclipse on Mars – Captured by NASA’s Perseverance Rover  SciTechDaily Check out NASA’s latest footage of a solar eclipse on Mars  The Verge Incredible video of a solar eclipse… from the…