
Judge’s order for Trump special master is deeply flawed, legal experts say – NBC News

Judge’s order for Trump special master is deeply flawed, legal experts say  NBC News Legal experts discuss judge’s ruling in favor of Trump’s special master request  CBS News WaPo: Material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities seized at Mar-a-Lago  CNN The Trump ‘special master’ ruling violates the principle that no-one is above the law  The Guardian The special master ruling


Ricardo Arroyo concedes to incumbent Kevin Hayden in Suffolk DA primary race marred by controversy – WCVB Boston

Ricardo Arroyo concedes to incumbent Kevin Hayden in Suffolk DA primary race marred by controversy  WCVB Boston Kevin Hayden projected to defeat Ricardo Arroyo in contentious race for Suffolk County DA  CBS Boston AP declares Kevin Hayden winner of Democratic primary race for Suffolk District Attorney  WCVB Channel 5 Boston Kevin Hayden wins Suffolk DA race, AP projects  The