
‘Exceptional’ trove of 24 ancient statues found immersed in Tuscan spa – The Guardian

‘Exceptional’ trove of 24 ancient statues found immersed in Tuscan spa  The Guardian Video Shows Newly Discovered Ancient Roman Bronze Statues  NBC News Discovery of bronzes rewrites Italy’s Etruscan-Roman history  Yahoo News Hot muddy waters hid these bronze statues for almost 2,000 years, experts in Italy say  Miami Herald Ancient Etruscan statues illuminate history of pre-Roman Italy  NBC News View


A single winning ticket for the $2.04 billion Powerball jackpot was sold in California – CNN

A single winning ticket for the $2.04 billion Powerball jackpot was sold in California  CNN BREAKING: Winning $2.04 Billion Powerball Ticket Sold In California Confirmed  NBC News Winning Powerball ticket for $2.04 billion jackpot sold in California  Fox Business Winning $2.04 billion Powerball ticket sold in California  CBS News Winning ticket sold in Altadena for record $2.04-billion Powerball jackpot  Yahoo


Dr. Eric Wallace Unpacks the State of Black Conservatism in America | EUR Exclusive

*Dr. Eric Wallace is a former pastor and outspoken visionary who has called out the increasing trend of politically motivated violence amid the midterm elections.  Wallace and his Black conservative colleagues — collectively known as the Black Conservative Summit — recently released a statement in which they condemned the senseless acts of killing, violence, and