Apple fined €1.84BN in EU over anti-steering on iOS music streaming market – TechCrunch

Apple fined €1.84BN in EU over anti-steering on iOS music streaming market  TechCrunch Apple’s App Store problem is way bigger than a $2 billion fine  Business Insider Apple Fined Nearly $2 Billion in Europe Over Music-Streaming Apps  The Wall Street Journal A Letter to the European Commission on Apple’s Lack of DMA Compliance — Spotify  For the Record Apple

Key Figure in Trump’s Business Pleads Guilty to Felony Perjury – The New York Times

Key Figure in Trump’s Business Pleads Guilty to Felony Perjury  The New York Times Ex-Trump Org CFO Allen Weisselberg pleads guilty in Manhattan court  Fox News Longtime Trump executive pleads guilty again, this time to perjury charges  The Washington Post Former Trump Org CFO Allen Weisselberg pleads guilty to perjury charges  Axios Ex-Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg Pleads Guilty To

Texas town evacuated as firefighters battle state’s biggest ever wildfire – The Guardian US

Texas town evacuated as firefighters battle state’s biggest ever wildfire  The Guardian US Wildfires have devastated the Texas cattle industry and the effects may be long-lasting  CNN Texas Panhandle wildfires have burned nearly 1.3 million acres in a week – and it’s not over yet  CBS News Difficult weather conditions for firefighters in battle against largest wildfire in


New Jersey’s First Black-Owned Cosmetology School Teams Up w/Beyoncé’s BeyGOOD Foundation

Janas Cosmetology school *Jana’s Cosmetology Academy, the first ever Black-owned cosmetology school in the entire state of New Jersey, is celebrating having been selected to receive funding from global icon Beyonce’s BeyGOOD Foundation. The academy will receive essential financial support for cosmetology students and professional hair stylists within the beauty industry. BeyGOOD, the philanthropic initiative