
Attacks on Pacific north-west power stations raise fears for US electric grid – The Guardian US

Attacks on Pacific north-west power stations raise fears for US electric grid  The Guardian US Feds: Power substations under attack in Washington, Oregon  FOX 13 Seattle Attacks on electrical substations in Oregon and Washington resemble those in North Carolina and raise questio  OregonLive Dark intentions  The Seattle Times Two Puget Sound Energy substations attacked last month | FOX 13


Sam Bankman-Fried Agrees to Testify Before House Committee – The New York Times

Sam Bankman-Fried Agrees to Testify Before House Committee  The New York Times FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried tweets that he’s willing to testify before lawmakers  CNBC Television Sam Bankman-Fried’s Admission About Secret GOP Donations Provoke An FEC Complaint  HuffPost FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried agrees to testify at U.S. House hearing on Tuesday  CNBC Bankman-Fried Says He’s Open to House Testimony  Bloomberg Technology