
China fires missiles near Taiwan in live-fire drills as PLA encircles island – CNN

China fires missiles near Taiwan in live-fire drills as PLA encircles island  CNN China fires ‘precision missile strikes’ in Taiwan Strait day after Nancy Pelosi concludes controversial visit  Fox News As China Plans Drills Circling Taiwan, U.S. Officials Fear a Squeeze Play  The New York Times China sends 27 warplanes into Taiwan ADIZ airspace  CNN Taiwan confirms multiple Chinese

China begins military exercises near Taiwan after Nancy Pelosi’s visit – The Washington Post

China begins military exercises near Taiwan after Nancy Pelosi’s visit  The Washington Post China Signals Plan to Launch Missiles Over Taiwan in a Dramatic, Troubling Escalation  U.S. News & World Report As Pelosi Leaves Taiwan, China’s Military Looms Larger  The Wall Street Journal In Taiwan, as in Ukraine, the west is flirting with disaster  The Guardian Opinion | Pelosi


Sandy Hook family attorney exposes Alex Jones’ dishonesty during brutal cross-examination – CNN

Sandy Hook family attorney exposes Alex Jones’ dishonesty during brutal cross-examination  CNN Alex Jones admits Sandy Hook massacre was ‘100% real’  PIX11 News Alex Jones Confronted at Trial With Texts Showing Evidence of Deception  The New York Times Sandy Hook parents await jury’s decision in Alex Jones trial  Danbury News Times Alex Jones concedes Sandy Hook Elementary School attack


Brandon Andrews Discusses Shark Tank Casting on Bloomberg Black Business Beat | VIDEO

 *The latest episode of Bloomberg’s Black Business Beat features Brandon Andrews. Working with social impact agency – Values Partnerships – Andrews leads a nationwide casting tour for the show. Virtual and in-person events focus on ensuring the audience watching at home can see themselves in the entrepreneurs pitching on the show. “I believe in going where the entrepreneurs are