More than 400 arrested as third night of violent protest sweeps France after 17-year-old shot dead by police – CNN

More than 400 arrested as third night of violent protest sweeps France after 17-year-old shot dead by police  CNN Violent Protests Break Out in France Following Deadly Police Shooting  TIME Paris-area town imposes overnight curfew in response to rioting over police killing of teen  WDRB France hit by second night of rioting as anger grows over police shooting  The

Dylan Mulvaney Lays Into Anheuser-Busch for Abandoning Her to Right-Wing Mob – The Daily Beast

Dylan Mulvaney Lays Into Anheuser-Busch for Abandoning Her to Right-Wing Mob  The Daily Beast Anheuser-Busch CEO says the company is ready to move on from Bud Light controversy  CNN Trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney speaks out after Bud Light controversy  NBC News Bud Light boycotters decimating sales over Dylan Mulvaney promotion should think about employees, Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth