
10 Best The Bee Gees Songs of All Time

The Bee Gees, a legendary trio of brothers – Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb, left an indelible mark on the music industry with their harmonious voices and timeless hits. With a career spanning over five decades, they effortlessly transitioned from the harmonious melodies of the ’60s to the disco fever of the ’70s, and their


10 Best D’angelo Songs of All Time

D’Angelo, the enigmatic and exceptionally talented R&B artist, has left an indelible mark on the music industry with his soulful, genre-blurring sound. For decades, he has serenaded our ears with his sultry vocals, masterful instrumentation, and thought-provoking lyrics. As we embark on a journey through his illustrious career, we find ourselves faced with a delightful


10 Best Ariana Grande Songs of All Time

Ariana Grande’s meteoric rise to pop superstardom has been punctuated by a string of chart-topping hits and a vocal prowess that leaves audiences in awe. With a career spanning over a decade, she has firmly established herself as one of the most influential and beloved artists in contemporary music. In this article, we embark on


Having our say against carbon pollution

By Ben Jealous More than one million Americans told the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that they aren’t willing to wait any longer. Their comments insisting that EPA move forward quickly to cut carbon pollution from new and existing coal and natural gas-burning power plants were delivered in person in Washington by a coalition of a


Why is Medicare rationing Alzheimer’s drugs?

By Kenneth E. Thorpe The FDA has recently approved exciting new treatments that can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, a scourge that claims more American lives than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.  One such medicine, Leqembi, reduced early-stage Alzheimer’s patients’ cognitive decline by 27 percent in clinical trials — a breakthrough that offers


New after-dinner lounge KANVAS opens in D.C.

By Chrisleen Herard, Special to the AFRO Kevin Kelley’s Kitchen + Kocktails restaurant fed the mouths of Dallas and Chicago before opening its third location just minutes away from the White House in Washington, D.C. On Sept. 1, Kelley left another signature in the hospitality industry with the unveiling of his KANVAS lounge, which is