
National Night Out 2023 events

By Khira MooreAFRO Intern It’s almost here, folks! National Night Out is Aug. 1, the first Tuesday in August. It’s a fun night of good food and even better company. Not to mention, it’s free! According to the National Night Out Organization, this celebration in the Baltimore community began in 1984 and is primarily hosted


What Black women need to know about fibroids

By Mylika ScatliffeAFRO Women’s Health Writer If you visit the Atlanta Fibroid Center website, you will see pages of testimonials from mostly Black women who no longer live a miserable existence of heavy bleeding, unbearable cramps and planning their lives around their periods. Dr. John Lipman, the center’s founder and medical director, has made it


Prioritizing mental health in the Black community

By Gene LambeySpecial to the AFRO  In today’s culture, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, focus on mental health has risen for people of color. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines mental health as feelings that “includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being…it affects how we think, feel, and act.”  Dr. Regina James