
Guide to Essential Financial Resources in Times of Crisis

Photo: Sergey Nivens via 123RF In times of crisis, whether it’s a global economic downturn, a natural disaster, or a personal financial emergency, having access to financial resources becomes crucial. These resources not only provide stability during difficult times but also offer opportunities for recovery and resilience. Here are some essential financial resources that individuals and


Companies manufacturing products with ‘forever chemicals’ expected to face repercussions in 2024

By Tashi McQueen, AFRO Political Writer, In recent years, Americans have been raising concerns about toxic chemicals found in drinking water within firefighters protective gear, which largely include PFAS, a “forever chemical” found in polyfluoroalkyl substances which feature particles that slowly break down over time. Since the 1950s, products made with these chemicals have


New Carrollton celebrates National Night Out with Maryland’s first couple

By Deborah BaileyAFRO Contributing Editor  New Carrollton, Md., a Prince George’s County community, hosted its 40th National Night Out celebration recently with special guests from the top of Maryland’s state government.  Gov. Wes Moore, first lady Dawn Moore and Attorney General Anthony Brown made surprise appearances at the mid-county community’s Beckett Field, enhancing a local tradition


Opinion: Stop saying ‘I am not my ancestors’

By Liz Courquet-Lesaulnier, Word in Black The memes, the reenactments, the folding chair earrings!  In the aftermath of the ‘Alabama Brawl,’ Black America has had a lighthearted few days. Folks have been playing the Crime Mob classic “Knuck If You Buck,” making fun of Jason Aldean’s “Try That in a Small Town,” finding out that