
Ukraine War News: Staged Referendums Begin in Russian-Occupied Territories – The New York Times

Ukraine War News: Staged Referendums Begin in Russian-Occupied Territories  The New York Times Russia holds ‘referendums’ in occupied regions of Ukraine – BBC News  BBC News Occupied parts of Ukraine vote on joining Russia in ‘sham’ referendums  CNN Ukrainians in Kremlin-backed territory vote whether to join Russia in ‘sham referenda’  Fox News Russia begins illegal referendum to annex occupied

Hilary Mantel, Prize-Winning Author of Historical Fiction, Dies at 70 – The New York Times

Hilary Mantel, Prize-Winning Author of Historical Fiction, Dies at 70  The New York Times Author Dame Hilary Mantel has died aged 70  Sky News Hilary Mantel, acclaimed ‘Wolf Hall’ author, dead at 70  CNN Hilary Mantel, celebrated author of Wolf Hall, dies aged 70  The Guardian Hilary Mantel’s prediction about Prince George and the royal family  The Independent View Full


US: Security Council must tell Russia to stop nuke threats – The Associated Press

US: Security Council must tell Russia to stop nuke threats  The Associated Press Ukraine President Zelensky addresses United Nations General Assembly  The Washington Post At U.N. General Assembly, Biden calls for support for Ukraine, condemns Putin’s ‘reckless’ nuclear threat  Yahoo News Biden’s Sharp Rebuke of Putin’s Ukraine War at UN Comes Up Short  Bloomberg Biden started strong at UN