Battle Escalates in South as Zelensky and Putin Each Claim Upper Hand – The New York Times

Battle Escalates in South as Zelensky and Putin Each Claim Upper Hand  The New York Times Russia claims it blew up advanced Ukrainian tank, but video shows its helicopter attacked a tractor  Yahoo News Ukraine’s counter-offensive against Russia under way  BBC The Ukrainian Army Lost Bradley Fighting Vehicles And A Leopard 2 Tank Trying And Failing To Breach

Toddlers stable after Annecy attack, Macron hails emergency responders – Reuters

Toddlers stable after Annecy attack, Macron hails emergency responders  Reuters Young backpacker who tried to stop knife attack in southeast France hailed as hero  CNN ‘Whole country in shock’ after 4 children stabbed in French Alps  South China Morning Post We cannot turn our back on refugees after the Annecy attack  The Independent Annecy Film Festival Adjusts Program Schedule

Supreme Court upholds Voting Rights Act in Alabama redistricting case – NPR

Supreme Court upholds Voting Rights Act in Alabama redistricting case  NPR #SupremeCourt upholds Voting Rights Act in #Alabama  MSNBC Supreme Court’s Alabama voting map ruling offers hope to North Carolina | Opinion  Raleigh News & Observer Supreme Court win on voting rights may not help Texas (Editorial)  Houston Chronicle Opinion: The Supreme Court didn’t further eviscerate voting rights  Los Angeles

Donald Trump indicted in classified documents probe, sources say – CNN

Donald Trump indicted in classified documents probe, sources say  CNN What is the Trump Mar-a-Lago case about and why is it significant?  The Guardian US Trump charged over classified documents in 1st federal indictment of an ex-president  Yahoo News Trump Lawyer Says He’s Indicted Over Mar-a-Lago Classified Documents  Bloomberg BREAKING: Trump indicted in classified documents probe  MSNBC View Full Coverage