Himalayan glaciers future threatened by greenhouse gas emissions – USA TODAY

Himalayan glaciers future threatened by greenhouse gas emissions  USA TODAY Himalayan glaciers could lose 75% of ice by 2100, report says  Reuters Melting Himalayan glaciers pose serious dangers to humans, report finds  CBS News Himalayan glaciers could lose 80% of their volume if global warming isn’t controlled, study finds  WGN News Himalayan glaciers melting faster than ever, endangering critical

Trump: I was too busy to sort through the boxes I took to Mar-a-Lago – POLITICO

Trump: I was too busy to sort through the boxes I took to Mar-a-Lago  POLITICO Trump addresses reluctance to hand over documents in first interview since indictment  Fox News Trump defends keeping classified docs in contentious exchange with Fox’s Baier  The Hill Trump asked why key players in administration don’t support him  Business Insider Trump calls NARA ‘radical left