
Truss says Nord Stream gas pipeline damage ‘clearly sabotage’ – The Guardian

Truss says Nord Stream gas pipeline damage ‘clearly sabotage’  The Guardian Sabotage suspected in Nord Stream pipeline leaks  CNN Danes: Nord Stream 2 pipeline seems to have stopped leaking  The Washington Post Five reasons why Russia is likely behind the Nord Stream industrial sabotage  Fox News EXPLAINER: A deep dive into risks for undersea cables, pipes  ABC News View Full


Latvian PM’s New Unity party ahead in vote, exit poll shows –

Latvian PM’s New Unity party ahead in vote, exit poll shows Chief Putin Critic Wins Elections in Latvia, Exit Poll Shows  Bloomberg Latvia’s centrists are predicted to win national vote  The Washington Post Latvia’s election tests loyalties of ethnic-Russian voters  ABC News Putin’s Invasion Hurts Party Backed by Russians in Latvian Vote  Bloomberg View Full Coverage on Google News

Zelensky pushes ‘accelerated’ application for Ukraine NATO membership – The Washington Post

Zelensky pushes ‘accelerated’ application for Ukraine NATO membership  The Washington Post Russia-Ukraine War Latest Updates: Putin Announces Annexation of Ukrainian Land  The Wall Street Journal Ukraine has ‘accelerated’ NATO application in wake of Russia annexing territories, Zelenskyy says  Fox News Ukraine makes NATO membership bid following Putin’s annexation of four Ukrainian regions  Al Jazeera English Ukraine applies for NATO