
O’Neil: Texas made the only responsible decision by firing Chris Beard – The Athletic

O’Neil: Texas made the only responsible decision by firing Chris Beard  The Athletic Reaction to Texas firing Chris Beard amid domestic family violence charge | ESPN College Basketball  ESPN Opinion: Whoever coaches Texas basketball must embody self control  Longhorns Wire Texas FIRES head coach Chris Beard | CBS Sports HQ  CBS Sports HQ Texas fires Chris Beard amid domestic

Jeremy Renner accident – update: Police seize snowplough that crushed actor to rule out ‘mechanical failure’ – The Independent

Jeremy Renner accident – update: Police seize snowplough that crushed actor to rule out ‘mechanical failure’  The Independent Sheriff describes how Renner got injured by snow plow  CNN Jeremy Renner’s Chest Collapsed, Torso Crushed by Plow, According to 911 Call  TMZ Jeremy Renner posts first photo since snowplow accident  TODAY The Remix: Top Trending Stories of the Day  NBC 6


Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI funeral mass held in Saint Peter’s Square, presided over by Pope Francis – Fox News

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI funeral mass held in Saint Peter’s Square, presided over by Pope Francis  Fox News WATCH LIVE: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s funeral at St. Peter’s Basilica  PBS NewsHour Biden has awkward exchange with reporter about not attending Pope Benedict’s funeral  Fox News With Pope Benedict’s death, Vatican enters a new era  The Hill LIVE: Funeral Mass