Tracy Hamlin’s Sweet Jazz Festival

APR 19-20, 2024
Leesburg, Virginia, USAIndulge in a weekend getaway to DC’s Wine Country – Loudoun County at this 2-day, indoor extravaganza featuring some of music’s most soulful jazz artists, including MARCUS ANDERSON, KAREN BRIGGS, JEFF BRADSHAW, JULIAN VAUGHN, ADAM HAWLEY, ART SHERROD, JR., ALTON MCCLAIN, JJ SANSEVERINO, ANTHONY WALKER, TRACY HAMLIN, and QUINTIN WALSTON!


The Complete Guide to Homeowner’s Insurance

Photo: fizkes via 123RF Homeownership comes with a range of responsibilities, and one essential aspect is securing your investment through homeowner’s insurance. Homeowner’s insurance protects you from financial loss due to damage or destruction to your home and its contents. This guide aims to demystify homeowner’s insurance, explain why it’s often rolled into your mortgage


California Governor Gavin Newsom appoints Laphonza Butlerto U.S. Senate seat after death of Sen. Dianne Feinstein

By Lauren Victoria Burke, NNPA Newswire Laphonza Butler will fill the U.S. Senate seat of the late Dianne Feinstein. The groundbreaking Senator died on Sept, 29. Newsom’s decision was not on the political radar screen of most prognosticators. With the selection of Butler, the decision of California’s Governor will not include any of the currently


Building generational wealth: A look at the kid entrepreneurs taking the business world by storm

By Tashi McQueen, AFRO Political Writer, Generational wealth is extremely important for the Black community. It could mean the difference between health, happiness and connections or poverty and strongholds. “It’s a challenge sometimes when talking about creating wealth, especially for Black families, because it takes a lot of generations to get into wealth, but