
Rising from the Dead: Understanding Zombie Debt

Photo: Anna Tolipova via 123RF Zombie debt is a term that describes old debts that have been written off or deemed uncollectible by the original creditor. This usually happens when zero payments have been received for a specific period, typically six months or more, and the creditor has exhausted all efforts to collect the debt.


Prepare now before disaster strikes

Emergencies, such as natural disasters, are potentially dangerous. Be sure you’re prepared to keep yourself and your family safe. Unfortunately, statistics show that not everyone is as prepared as they could be. According to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) research, despite 80 percent of respondents to the 2019 National Household survey saying they had gathered

Northwestern Fires Pat Fitzgerald, Football Coach, Amid Hazing Allegations – The New York Times

Northwestern Fires Pat Fitzgerald, Football Coach, Amid Hazing Allegations  The New York Times Breaking: Northwestern fires Coach Pat Fitzgerald amid hazing allegations | SportsCenter  ESPN Column: Pat Fitzgerald’s coaching legacy is tarnished after a hazing scandal he refused to publicly acknowledge  Chicago Tribune Clueless NU finally got it right and did what it had to do — fire